
GOD versus JESUS - Yeshayahu 9:5 versus Isaiah 9:6


An example of a totally different translation and thus a totally different meaning.

Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 9:5* (Jewish Tanach) - For a child has been born to us, a son given to us, and the authority is upon his shoulder, and the wondrous adviser, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, called his name, "the prince of peace."

Isaiah 9:6 KJV - For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

* Note the different verse number, the different tense and the different subjects of the adjectives.

So ...

- Is God called the the wondrous adviser, the mighty God, the everlasting Father?


- Is Jesus called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace?

If "a child has been born" (past tense) then that child cannot be the historical Jesus of Nazareth as he was not born at the time that Isaiah was written (circa 740 to 700 BCE).


THE GOZPULL OV STRUTH - The follow up to the Quantum Incoherence Gospel of Tommy

 The Gozpull ov Stooth is a joy for those who’ve sent money to the Quantum Incoherence Pty Ltd and thus received Wind from the Farta of Strooth, that they might know him through the power of the Wind that came from his fullness. They call him the “Savor.” That’s the name of the work he’ll do to rope in those who had become ignorant of the Farta. And the term “the Gozpull” is the marketing ploy of Quantum Incoherence Pty Ltd.

When the upside is downside, and the downside is upside, the upside down Quantum Incoherence Pty Ltd shall be manifested.

When the inside comes outside, in a mighty gust of Wind, from both ends, at the same time, then the Quantum Incoherence Pty Ltd shall be manifested.

When a well hasn’t been covered, you can fall into it. So too you can fall into the endless pablum of Quantum Incoherence Pty Ltd books. They had paid reviews written by Je$u$. Because of this:

Je$u$ was happy,
Je$u$ was clappy,
Je$u$ was happy clappy,
and Quantum Incoherence Pty Ltd published lots of books that were #1 in the subject area of Wotifness.

Oh, what a deal we’ve got for you! Buy a book, pay-walled article, or t-shirt and get one free!!! Wait, there’s more. Buy within the next 24 hours and get a free Quantum Incoherence Pty Ltd Tin Foul Hat!!!!

Emptying himself of Wind,
he made lots of money,
stripped himself of the losers,
and clothed himself in designer suits,
which no one else could afford.

When he entered his chamber, he passed Wind, proclaiming the things that are from the bottom of his heart. Teaching everyone about Quantum Incoherence Pty Ltd.

Now those who will receive this teachun are the giving who are written in the Book of the Giving. They receive teachun, and they receive it from the Quantum Incoherence Pty Ltd.



The Quantum Incoherence Gospel of Tommy - Sayings 111 to 114


Saying 111:

Je$u$ said, "When you know the secret to Quantum Incoherence then the xiffy treckloof will zip around the quertiferous bingbong in front of you, and whoever lives to tell the tale will be blessed."

Saying 112:

Je$u$ said, "What the hell am I saying? Doc, give me more of those pills!”

Saying 113:

His dissiples said to him, "When will the police come?"

"They won't come unless some disloyal Quantum Incoherent Follower snitches on me. But the Quantum Incoherence protection Team ensures that never happens. Let those who want to keep their toes, listen."

Saying 114:

Simone Peta said to them, "Mary should leave us, because she’s a bitch."

Je$u$ said, "Look, I don’t care about bitches if they are loyal Trew Quantum Incoherence Followers who buy my books, my pay-walled articles, my subscriptions to my seminars and my t-shirts. Nothing else matters."

The Quantum Incoherence Gospel of Tommy

The Quantum Incoherence Gospel of Tommy - Sayings 101 to 110


Saying 101:

"Whoever doesn't place their ageing father and mother into a nursing home in order to have much more time to sell more of my books, my pay-walled articles, my subscriptions to my seminars and my t-shirts, isn’t a loyal Trew Quantum Incoherence Follower."

Saying 102:

Je$u$ said, "How awful for those who don’t buy my books, my pay-walled articles, my subscriptions to my seminars and my t-shirts. They won’t be blessed by Quantum Incoherence."

Saying 103:

Je$u$ said, "Blessed are those who know Quantum Incoherence. They can get defend it with quotes from my books, my pay-walled articles and my t-shirts”

Saying 104:

They said to Je$u$, "Come, let's go and get pissed today."

Je$u$ said, "Whose paying?”

They said "We are.”

So Je$u$ and the dissiples went and got pissed.

Saying 105:

Je$u$ said, "Whoever steals money before it’s put in the Quantum Incoherence Bank Account will be called a bastard."

Saying 106:

Je$u$ said, "When you make the two into one, and the three into six, then seven ate nine and ... Wow! Did you see that flying unicorn?"

He was off his face that day.

Saying 107:

Je$u$ said, "Quantum Incoherence Pty Ltd can be compared to a shepherd who had a hundred sheep and then got a million more."

Saying 108:

Je$u$ said, "Whoever iuly rewing ou oh dafgeh jey herb ik oun piggy wiggy ....”

He was off his face that day too.

Saying 109:

Je$u$ said, "Quantum Incoherence Pty Ltd can be compared to someone who had a treasure hidden in their backyard. No-one knew about it. Quantum Incoherence Pty Ltd wants it that way forever."

Saying 110:

Je$u$ said, "Whoever has won the lottery and become rich should donate it to Quantum Incoherence Pty Ltd."

The Quantum Incoherence Gospel of Tommy - Sayings 91 to 100


Saying 91:

They said to him, "Tell us what this is in your painting."

He said to them, "You read the face of the sky and the earth, but you don't know what a tree and cloud are? It’s a tree and a cloud! I’m going to sign my painting and put it up in the Quantum Incoherence Art Gallery."

Saying 92:

Je$u$ said, "Look, I didn't answer your questions before and I’m not answering them now. I’m not giving away advice for free. Buy my books, my pay-walled articles, my subscriptions to my seminars and my t-shirts to find out the answers."

Saying 93:

"I don't give a shit about your opinion. Throw it on the manure pile. Don't bother with me with stuff that doesn’t advance Quantum Incoherence Pty Ltd."

Saying 94:

Je$u$ said, "Whoever knocks on my door with a large donation for Quantum Incoherence Pty Ltd will be gladly received and I will open the door to receive the cash. All the rest can knock on my door for hours on end and I won’t answer. Don't bother with me with stuff that doesn’t advance Quantum Incoherence Pty Ltd."

Saying 95:

Je$u$ said, "If you have money that you want to invest then invest it at Quantum Incoherence Investment Fund. After 10 years you might get some of it back in the form of a free t-shirt."

Saying 96:

Je$u$ said, "Quantum Incoherence Pty Ltd can be compared to a woman who took a powder and snorted it. Anyone who has a nose to blow should blow it!"

Saying 97:

Je$u$ said, "Disloyal Quantum Incoherence Followers can be compared to a bag of dog shit from a dog with diarrhoea. While the man was walking down a long long road, the bag broke and the dog shit spilled out all over the place and over him. The moral of this story is don’t be a little shit!"

Saying 98:

Je$u$ said, "A Disloyal Quantum Incoherence Follower can be compared to a man who farted in a crowded elevator. I don’t want to be near him!"

Saying 99:

The dissiples said to him, "Your sons and daughters are standing outside."

He said to them, "How do you know? I refused to do a paternity test. Call in the Quantum Incoherence Protection Team!"

Saying 100:

They showed Je$u$ a gold coin and said to him, "Those who own it want it back.”

He said to them, "Blessed are those who donate to Quantum Incoherence Pty Ltd whether they want to or not. Place it in this bag of donated cash and stay quiet.”

The Quantum Incoherence Gospel of Tommy - Sayings 81 to 90

 Saying 81:

Je$u$ said, "Whoever has become rich should give it to me, and whoever has power should use it to help Quantum Incoherence Pty Ltd."

Saying 82:

Je$u$ said, "Whoever is near me is near Quantum Incoherence Pty Ltd , and whoever is far from me doesn’t know the truth of Quantum Incoherence."

Saying 83:

Je$u$ said, "Photos are good for Quantum Incoherence memes on social media, but sometimes they need to be photo-shopped."

Saying 84:

Je$u$ said, "Rejoice when you see your photo on a Quantum Incoherence page. But when you see your photo mocked on a Quantum Incoherence satire page then block it!"

Saying 85:

Je$u$ said, "I didn’t become what I am without lots of work and the inspiration of the pyramid in Egypt. If you have a go, you get a go. If you got money, it goes to me."

Saying 86:

Je$u$ said, "The foxes have dens and the birds have nests, and I have a gold plated penthouse.”

Saying 87:

Je$uS said, "How miserable am I when I haven’t sold many my books, my pay-walled articles, my subscriptions to my seminars and my t-shirts on a particular day. Help me out and repost my ads. "

Saying 88:

Je$u$ said, "People will come to you and give you what belongs to me. You'll give that to me. What’s there’s is mine, what’s yours is mine and what’s mine is mine.'"

Saying 89:

Je$u$ said, "Why do you wash the wine glass after you drank from it? Through it away and use a new one. That’s what I do. "

Saying 90:

Je$u$ said, "Come to me and my books, my pay-walled articles, my subscriptions to my seminars and my t-shirts to prove that you are a loyal Trew Quantum Incoherence Follower. You'll be blessed!"

The Quantum Incoherence Gospel of Tommy - Sayings 71 to 80


Saying 71:

Je$u$ said, "I'll destroy all incriminating evidence about me, and no one will be able to find it. I pay good money for any such material. Contact me. I can also pay in crypto-coin or I can send the Quantum Incoherence Protection Team to visit your enemy for a little chat."

Saying 72:

Someone said to him, "Tell my brothers to divide our inheritance with me."

He said to him, “Only if I get 50% since they are not Trew Quantum Incoherence Followers."

He turned to his dissiples and said to them, “I’m really a multiplier for Quantum Incoherence Pty Ltd."

Saying 73:

Je$u$ said, "The potential for the profit of Quantum Incoherence Pty Ltd is unlimited, but Trew Quantum Incoherence Followers are few. So flood social media with Quantum Incoherence and make lots of Trew Quantum Incoherence Followers."

Saying 74:

He said, "Many are gathered at the bar, but there's nothing to drink. Who forgot to stock up the Quantum Incoherence Bar?"

Saying 75:

Je$u$ said, "Many are waiting at the Quantum Incoherence Seminar door, but only those who pay will enter the buiklding."

Saying 76:

Je$u$ said, "Quantum Incoherence Pty Ltd can be compared to a multi-national company which found a way to make money. As Trew Quantun Incoherence Followers you, too, can sell my books, my pay-walled articles, my subscriptions to my seminars and my t-shirts for the greater glory of Quantum Incoherence."

Saying 77:

Je$u$ said, "I'm all over social media thanks to Quantum Incoherence Marketing. Open your page; I'm there."

Saying 78:

Je$u$ said, "What did you go onto social media to see? A favourite page? Connect with a friend? Tough luck. I’m plastered all over social media to advertise my books, my pay-walled articles, my subscriptions to my seminars and my t-shirts."

Saying 79:

A woman in the crowd said to him, "Blessed am I to have met you!”

He said to her, "Blessed are those who have listened to the message of Quantum Incoherence! How many of my books, my pay-walled articles, my subscriptions to my seminars and my t-shirts do you own?'"

Saying 80:

Je$u$ said, "Whoever has found the hidden bodies better keep quiet!"