

Jesus Jingles are banal "Jesus is my boyfriend" chouses interspersed with the "Pente Mantra".

For decades in Christianity I witnessed "worship" as singing Jesus Jingles to the fictitious mythical Christ of Faith (all denominations). The jingles weren't even addressed to God. However, in all but Catholic and Anglican churches, singing Jesus Jingles is the main feature of a Sunday service. There is nothing similar in any part of contemporary secular culture. "Join us at our Worship Service" means "Join with us to sing Jesus Jingles in our crowd". 

I honor, respect and love my wife. I don't sing to her: "Praise the wife! Hallelu-wife! Glory to the wife of this household! You're the best wife in all the universe! Bless the wife, oh my soul! Worship her holy name. Sing like never before, my soul". If I organised a time to sing this weekly to my wife she'd be seeking to get me urgent psychiatric help. Yet this is exactly how Christians treat the fictional mythical Christ of Faith. This is the Pente Mantra.

I parodied this in an original song: "Hallelujah! Please the hordes! Bless the Lord one way! Glory to God I speak in tongues and talk in trite cliches!"

The historical Jesus of Nazareth, a practising Jew, would be horrified if he he returned to earth today and heard this banal nonsense.